B42720 – The Beatles Saxons June 1964 Magazine (Sweden)
£45.00Add to basketAn original issue of the Saxons magazine published in Sweden in 1964. It features a colour photograph of The Beatles on the front cover. There is an article relating to…
B26155 – The Beatles 1964 Australian Women’s Weekly Magazine Supplement (Australia)
£50.00Add to basketAn original 1964 supplement from the Australian Women’s Weekly magazine focusing on The Beatles visit to Australia. The 8-page ‘Teenagers Weekly’ supplement includes a colour pull-out poster of the group,…
B27491 – The Beatles 1964 Beatle Hairdos Magazine (USA)
£50.00Add to basketAn original 1964 USA Beatle Hairdos magazine. The magazine contains 48 black and white pages of hairstyles inspired by The Beatles alongside images of the group. It measures 21.5cm x…
B32146 – The Beatles 1967 Down Beat Magazine (USA)
£50.00Add to basketA copy of the USA music magazine Down Beat dated 16th November 1967. It features a black and white image of The Beatles on the front cover along with a…
B25679 – The Beatles & Rolling Stones 1966 Blitztournee Magazine (Germany)
£50.00Add to basketAn original 1966 German Bravo ‘Das Sind Die Beatles’ Magazine. The magazine was sold in and around the German venues during the Blitztournee tour and features many black and white…
B34125 – Record Collector 2003 Complete Run (UK)
£50.00Add to basketA complete run of Record Collector magazines from 2003. The run begins with the January issue, no. 281 and ends with the December issue, no. 292. Two issues feature The…
B38213 – John Lennon Documento 1981 Magazine + EP Brazil
£50.00Add to basketA 1981 Brazilian magazine entitled 'John Lennon Documento'. The magazine contains lyrics in both Brazilian and English and has numerous black and white photos of John throughout his life, as…
B31134 – The Beatles 1965 Elvis Vs The Beatles Acme Magazine (USA)
£50.00Add to basketAn original issue of Beatles Round The World No.3 Elvis vs The Beatles. The magazine was published in 1965 by Acme News Co Inc, New York. It contains 66 pages…
B42611 – The Beatles 1967 Life Magazine (UK)
£50.00Add to basketAn original issue of Life magazine published in June 1967. On page 100 is an article and photos relating to The Beatles and the ‘Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds’…
B43436 – The Beatles SES 1965 Magazine (Turkey)
£50.00Add to basketAn original issue of the SES magazine dated 9th January 1965 published in Turkey. It contains thirty-two pages and features The Beatles on the front cover. The magazine measures 24cm…
B43872 – The Beatles Everybody’s With Disc 1964 Magazine (Australia)
£50.00Add to basketAn original issue of the Everybody's With Disc magazine published in Australia in 1964. It contains articles relating to The Beatles. The magazine measures 26cm x 34.5cm (10.2 inches x…
B44914 – The Beatles Nuevo Fotogramas 1968 Magazine (Spain)
£50.00Add to basketAn original issue of the Spanish magazine Nueveo Fotogramas published in Barcelona on the 9th August 1968. It features The Beatles on the front cover and a six-page article relating…