B36123 – German Bonds 1960s Petra Niemeier Negative & Contact Sheet Collection With Commercial Rights (Germany)
A collection of negatives of the German Bonds. The images were taken by German youth magazine photographer, Petra Niemeier in the 1960s. The images are being sold with full commercial reproduction rights. In total there are 130 negatives:
3 positive colour slides with no contact sheet
35 black and white slides with contact sheets
92 35mm black and white with contact sheets. 6 of the images are shown on contact sheet but the negatives are not included. 9 of the negatives are not shown on a contact sheet, 5 of these negatives are overexposed.
The negatives are housed in either plastic or paper sleeves and there are annotations to the majority of the contact sheets and each have two holes punched along one edge for filing purposes. The condition is very good.
If you'd like to see more images of this or any other item, please let us know.
Available: 1 in stock